What is bugging you ?
The problems that a company can encounter are varied. I have grouped them into three categories that I liken to insect bites.
Why insect bites? Because it speaks to everyone!

Mosquito bite
It's painless at first, but the more you pay attention to it, the more you scratch it, the more it itches.
The location is wider: itches over a large area around the bite. The problem is not fully identified or precisely located, but we know its impacts.
This could correspond to the following case: a company's customers are unhappy because the products ordered arrive too often late. Production is going well, but somewhere between production and delivery there seems to be a problem, but it's unclear where it is.

Tick bite
Completely painless at first, this bite may take some time to be detected.
The animal sticks to you and vampirizes you, it drinks your blood. The location is precise once the animal is identified, but the damage is already done.
This case is similar to a problem that we have more or less identified, that we ignore or pretend to ignore, that worsens over time and whose consequences can end up being dramatic. This can range from a simple bug in a program, to not taking into account digitalization or cyber-protection.
Although in most cases these bites are benign, all three can be fatal.
I am the anti-scratch!

Wasp Sting
It hurts instantly
It is very localized (dart stung)
The problem is therefore well identified and we know its impact. This could, for example, correspond to a company's monthly accounting close process which is very tedious and takes several days at the end of each month, whereas much of it could be automated.

My name is Philippe Hillard. After working for more than 20 years as an IT engineer in the industry and in finance, I decided to found Hiris company. Its vocation is to support companies in their development by helping them to make the most of their environment. This may concern the internal environment by improving one or more processes to make them more efficient, but it also means taking advantage of what the external environment and in particular the existing ecosystem can bring to each company. Regardless of the size of your company, there is always room for improvement !

Some small companies do not have the ability to follow the trend and sort out what technology to use among all those available on the market and what benefits they could derive from it. On the other hand, large companies may be overwhelmed by their governance, the complexity of their processes and their silos architecture. On the ground issues may never reach the decision-making level.
At Hiris we believe that, in most cases, the seeds of innovation are already present in each company. Our role is to identify them, to make them germinate and flourish.
Most business problems or challenges are first experienced by employees in the field. It is not a coincidence that some of the best ideas for innovation come from frontline workers who regularly interface with customers. Hiris, as a human-sized company, is well equipped to help its customers carry out these innovations.
About Hiris

Hiris mission is to make our customers to get the best with what they already have and offer them tools and means to go further. All this at human level.
Some of the principles Hiris keeps in mind when making decisions are :
Collaboration : our customers are the experts in their field. Our collaboration is key to understand their issue(s) and/or challenge(s).
Innovation : can be brought by technology or a new way of working.
Keep it simple and practical : let's first focus on simple things that create value.

Why am I doing this
As a computer engineer, I started software development more than 20 years ago. I first learned to solve the problems that were submitted to me and quickly I wanted to solve other problems too, those not submitted, but those I spotted on the ground. I was surprised to see how solving these problems, often with little means, could both move the company forward and make employees happy.
Indeed, very often we do not know what it is possible to do and what others can bring us, especially people with an outside perspective and specific skills. Think of all those apps you use every day, which greatly simplify your life and which did not exist just a few years ago ! Without necessarily reaching these heights, and sometimes even without IT development, my goal is to show you some of these possibilities which will allow you to progress, to show you new paths and to open some doors for you.
What kind of services I propose.
If for you “digitalization” sounds above all like a marketing term behind which there is nothing concrete, it is unfortunately because it has been used too often and all over the place.
Let's rather talk about transformation, whether digital or otherwise. If you think that there are areas of your business that could be optimized, whether to give you a competitive advantage, increase your productivity, reduce your costs, enhance the quality of life of your employees and perhaps all that at the same time, but don't know where to start or how to do it, I can help you. This can range from the implementation of a specific software to an ERP, from the review of a stage of the value chain to your company's digital strategy.
How do I proceed
The first part of my intervention is completely free and does not commit you to anything. During a first interview we identify the scope, in other words the area or areas you want to optimize, it can be a functional area such as marketing, purchasing, sales, accounting, customer relations, supply chain , the production line or whatever. It can also be a very specific point such as invoicing or a process that you have clearly identified. Once the perimeter has been defined, you assign me a reference person who can answer my questions or direct me to the right contacts. For several days, with the support of this referent person, I will identify and analyze your processes, focusing on those that I identify as potentially "optimizable". At the end of this period in the field, I will give you an AS-IS vs TO-BE document which draws up an inventory of your domain and a proposal for the future state of this same domain with the proposed optimizations and an estimate of the expected gains.